Thursday, April 29, 2010

Road Side Chair Beautified

Sorry I haven't been around. Working on a Top Secret Project. Started on it Wednesday and just finished it. I CAN'T WAIT TO SHARE IT!!!! Of course you can't see it until Monday...sorry:oP. Anyway, as promised, here is the reveal of S.R.'s new (old) chair. Let's take a minute to remember the BEFORE:
Oh yes. Sad, sad, sad. I told you that a friend from church found this on the side of the road. Well here is the AFTER:
Now that's much better. I am still not completely finished with it. I missed a spot with the spray paint where I thought the fabric would reach...OOPS! Maybe I'll take care of it this weekend if it's not raining.
I added some piping around the edges, and bows at the corners just to cutesy it up a bit.
The reason why it went in S.R.'s room...The "S" at the top of the chair.
So here's the before:
And the after:
Ahhhhh....much better:o)
Here is S.R.'s room in all of it's glory. I am done with it for now, unless I get a wild hair and decide to paint the walls, which would require painting AROUND the mural...ack!
I hope that you all have a great weekend!!! See you back here on Monday!


shannon said... Best Blogger Tips

Darling, and that room is so cute! The chair looks like it was meant to be pink!

Ann Marie @ Twice Lovely said... Best Blogger Tips

So fun! And it looks right at home in her cute little room! :)

Restyled Vintage said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful chair in a beautiful room! My daughter's name is Sophie so that chair would be perfect for her too :) If you wanted to paitn the room, maybe you could leave the wall with the mural as is...just a thought? Mind you I think it looks lovely as it is.
xx Karen

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

you did a great job! Every little girls dream room to grow up in. :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

ok Crystal, you amaze me! I would have seen that chair and thought fire wood!

Miss Mustard Seed said... Best Blogger Tips

That room is so sweet and your curb find makes a perfect "throne." You've done a wonderful job.

Erika said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it! I think my Mom might still have a chair like this hidden somewhere in their house--what a great idea for a girl's room!

Deanna said... Best Blogger Tips

It looks great!! Her room is so cute! :)

djjdjdjdjd said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank You Guys! I've done some thinking, and I may have to bust out some Periwinkle-ish paint, so that it would compliment the butter cream color on the walls that way I could leave the mural...we'll see:o) Grateful for all the praise!!!