Great News girlies! My
PB Knock Duvet is being featured at
So I can proudly wear this button for the SECOND time:o)

I am a lucky girl. Be sure to go check it out. Just click on either of the buttons, and you will see it:o)
In other news....I have a busy next few days ahead of me. I am having a Princess House Party at my house tonight. It was supposed to be last week, but we had only had our power back on for 3 days. So everyone was trying to get back to normal. Since it's so close to the end of the school year, everyone is packing everything into the next 2 weeks. Not many are coming tonight(sniff, sniff), but those who are coming will have a great time and some fantastic food:o)I hope you have a great weekend! I'll be back Monday to share with you my's going to wonderific:o)
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