Saturday, March 12, 2011

Barbie Birthday Party Decorations-Part 2

Whew! This party was so much work, but I think it paid off. Everyone had a fantastic time, especially the birthday girl and her mommy;o)
We couldn't have asked for better weather either!!
Here are the pics of the rest of the party.

Food Table
The new cakes. I decided to be bold and go for a two layer cake this time. I think it turned out really cute. I am definitely a fan of fondant. 
All the "little" party guests got their own personal Barbie cake.
Here is a close up of a few. These proved to be slightly more difficult. I used store bought icing and it didn't want to stick to the dolls. I'll have to come up with something different next time...
if there is a next time;o) 
They still turned out pretty cute though:o)
Another shot of the mantle. I was so excited with how the banner turned out. SUPER cute!
I have been collecting the Hallmark Barbie ornaments since they started coming out with them in the 90's. I pulled out a few that had coordinating dresses:o)
Here is the party favor table. 

All of the mommies got to take something special home. 
I found a recipe for Pumpkin Spice Sugar Scrub at Under the Table and Dreaming. Stephanie also provides the labels to print out.
The girls got these little goodies in their bags along with a full size Barbie.  

The coffee table was our designated gift area.  

The hubs picked these roses up from Costco yesterday. They always have the most beautiful flowers there.
Here some on the craft table.
The girls had 2 crafts to work on.
The first was a beaded necklace. They required some help from the mommies, but the girls seemed to enjoy them.
The second was the picture frames. I spray painted these frames ahead of time and asked each of the girls' mothers to email me a profile picture of their daughters.

I printed the pictures out on card stock and had the mothers cut them out while the girls were decorating the frames.
And this is how they turned out.
Aren't they cute?
This is probably the most successful party that I have hosted. It was a lot less stressful since the numbers were lower, and I seemed to be ahead of things as well. 
This made for one happy little girl:o)
and a happy mommy!!

If you missed out on the other posts, here they are:

Participating in:

The Girl Creative


Shannon said... Best Blogger Tips

We loved the recap of the party! Leah is sitting right here in my lap! Thank you for hosting the most fabulous party I have ever attended :) We had a blast and the party favors we a hit. I couldn't believe I got a goody bag, too :) I can't wait to use it!

Shannon said... Best Blogger Tips

oops *were* a hit!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great party! You should be so pleased with yourself! I just posted a spa party for my niece if you wanted to come take a look!

Jill said... Best Blogger Tips

What a GREAT party! The details on the decorations, cakes and party bags are beautiful!
If you're a big barbie fan,then I'd love if you came over to my blog and checked out my blogging dolls page, where my daughter's barbie and bratz dolls craft and take over my blog now and again!
I would love if you came over and linked this project to my weekly Round Tuit party at:
Have a great week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

So amazing I love it. I am crazy for these now. The replacement of cup cakes is mind blowing.
dean graziosi

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I appreciate all of the information that you have shared. Thank you for the hard work!

birthday party businesses