Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Snow Envy in Alabama

Are you all frozen solid yet? We sure are. 
Here in Alabama, it doesn't usually get that cold. We may occasionally see temperatures in the 20's, but it's very rare to see temps in the single digits here.
For the past 2 days, we have gone to school 2 hours late. It's been a great way to get back into the swing of things. There hasn't been the morning rush, and everyone seems to be in a fairly good mood when exiting the vehicle in the drop off line.
We got to experience a few flurries on Monday, which resulted in minimal accumulation...can you spot it? 
Oh wait, there it is! You thought our yard had dandruff, didn't you?
 We NEVER see snow, so when there is even the smallest amount, we celebrate.
Yes, we have snow envy.
But being from the deep South, we want snow for a few days, and then we want it to go away. We like the idea of the "get out of school and roll around and make snow angels for a few days" kind of snow. Not the snow that "shuts everything down kind of snow".
That would be an inconvenience. No one has time for that, now do they? 
So, I sent the kids off to school on Monday, and decided to do some 90% off Target shopping. 
It was quite nice to spend 2 glorious, uninterrupted hours of deal hunting all to myself.
Everything you see below cost $28.50.
I have some great shirts for myself and S.R. for next Christmas, and some awesome crafts as well.
The blue totes were 59 cents each. I have no idea what I will do with them, but I couldn't pass them up. 
I am looking forward to the next few days. I hope to knock out some sewing projects. It's way too cold to do anything but sew.
Stay Warm!


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