
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fall is Fast Approaching...

even though it doesn't feel like it!!!
I want to pull out my long sleeve shirts....come on weather!!!
My babies want to roast "smarsh-mellows."
Speaking of my little man is 4 today. He's getting so big! He got in bed with us this morning, and when I was finally able to open my eyes without them rolling right back into the back of my head, I said Happy Birthday boy. He got the biggest grin on his face and a look of accomplishment. It was like he had "graduated." He is so proud to finally be 4:o) He is so sweet. I am making cookies for his class tomorrow to celebrate with his school buddies. We'll see how that goes. The dough is on the counter trying to reach room temp.:o)
We made thank you notes last night, and that was a sight to behold....weeping and gnashing of teeth. E knows how to write his name, but he likes to change things up a bit by not writing the letters in the correct order. So that was an ordeal. We finally got his name down 11 times. I worked on the fronts. Real simple. Here they are:
I got the cute little cowboy here. It is a really cute website with all these FREE printable downloads. I just inserted the "Much 'O'bliged"(I realized just yesterday that it isn't 'A'bliged). I cut it out along with a 2" wide strip of scrapbook paper and just stuck them to a card. Simple.
Now for some fall love.
I had a "feeling sorry for myself day" a few weeks ago. When I feel sorry for myself, I have to go out a buy something crafty and work hard so that I feel better about's sick..I know:o)
I went to Hobby Lobby...imagine that:o) I started looking at all of their fall wreaths and I couldn't believe how expensive they were and how unimpressive they were too. So I bought leaf garland, (2 different types), and a few other add ins and decided I was going to make one for myself. I had a wreath form that I purchased at Dollar Tree...not the foam kind, the other kind...not sure what to call it...I have some baskets made of this same wood like substance. 
Anyway, I got out my glue gun, and an hour later I had this
for slightly over $30!!! Beat that Hobby Lobby;o)
I LOVE this wreath. I thought about entering it into the Cultural Arts fair the other day, but didn't want to part with it:o) The hubs can't understand why I am decorating for fall when it is still almost 100 degrees outside....I say b/c I can:oP
The 'W' was purchased from H.L. and I just slathered Mod Podge on it and smothered it in glitter. LOVE!
Hoping to share a few more Fall projects the rest of the week. I am not feeling super motivated right now, so I can't make any promises;o)

Participating in:

Domestically Speaking


  1. Happy Birthday to E! My big boy is going to be 9 tomorrow. :( It goes SO fast!

    Oh and little Maressa says smarshmallows too! lol

  2. This wreath is gorgeous! Simply gorgeous!!!!!
