
Friday, September 17, 2010

Fall Color

Fall is approaching, and I have the Mum Bug:o)
Are you digging these gorgeous flowers?
I went on a planting spree yesterday. I purchased some mums from Lowes.
Here's where they found their new home...
Slightly unimpressive right now, but give them a few years, and they will be really something. That is one of the things I love about flowers. They surprise you every season. Sometimes not for the better, but usually the surprises are wonderful:o) 
There were 4 hosta plants that I planted in the front bed that didn't quite do so well b/c of too much sun, so I moved them to the back bed.
Can you see them? They are there:o)
Our hose reel broke the other day, so that will be another purchase from Lowes:o) 
The two dead looking plants can be explained. At the bottom left is a mum...was a mum. It was at my parents' house, and they dug it up. I think some of the roots were damaged, but it is still showing some life. Going to let it stay thru the winter and see what happens. The stuff in the back is what I call the "Mozzie Bush". We called my great-grandmother, Mozzie. I have no idea where that name came from. She was one of the most precious women that I have ever encountered. Very meek and patient. She lived to be 94 years old. This dead looking thing is a cutting of one of her bushes from her garden. I hope that I didn't wait too long to plant it. I think that it's an aster, and it has cute purple star like blooms in the fall. Now, there won't be any blooms this year, but maybe, just maybe we'll get lucky next year:o)
The other 2 hosta made it in this empty space behind the azalea bushes. Yes, I'm sure they are there:o) I told you that they didn't do so great in the front flower bed.
The playhouse has tiger lilies planted in front of it. Those came from my parents' as well.
To the left of the playhouse, I have planted the iris'. So hopefully come spring time, there will be beautiful purple and orange blooms around the playhouse.
I am waiting for pansies to start showing up in stores. I will put some in the front flower boxes on the playhouse.
Look what the hubby put together a few weeks ago. He's awesome! The kids LOVE it....I LOVE it b/c now  I can send them outside while cooking dinner, and they actually have something to do:o)
I rearranged the furniture yesterday on our back patio too. Notice that there are several empty planters??? They are patiently awaiting pansies:o)
I also put this together
Thus the reason for the new furniture arrangement. Lowes had these pups marked down, so I scooped it up:o) I had to put it up against the house b/c there are gale force winds that sweep across our back yard. Last winter we still had the playhouse on the patio. The wind would blow so hard that it would move the playhouse a few inches. It takes two grown men, struggling, to move that thing....yeah it gets windy:o)

So I was super busy yesterday, but I am happy with the results. Now to just get some color back there:o)
 I hope you all have a great weekend!!

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