
Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Outfits-Easter Dress

We had a wonderful Easter. A time of catching up with family and friends, eating way too many delicious foods...courtesy of my mother, and remembering the resurrection of our Lord and Savior:o)
 I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend as well. 

 I gave a sneak peak on Facebook last Friday of the kids' Easter outfits. This week I will be sharing what I made for both of them.

Today's focus is on S.R.'s dress. 
Thankfully I had all the materials on hand, so this dress was completely free. Yay, for free!!
 This dress is extra special...
 All of the bead work, which was hand-sewn onto the dress(ugh!), came from my mother's wedding gown.
I took extra care in making sure that this dress will last, so that we can hopefully pass this on to my brother and sister's "someday" children:o)
The bead work went across the bodice...
and across the bottom of the skirt.
 Here's a quick look at the back. An extra long sash for the finishing touch.
 My children are carbon copies of the hubs and me...even down to how we take our scares me how much my daughter is like me;o)
 Every once and a while we can get E to loosen up as well:o)
Come back for a closer look at E's Easter Vest and Bow Tie....

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