
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

I'm Still Here...

Wow! Long time no see, right? I didn't realize how long it had been until I received an email about my blog a few days ago. It made me realize how much I miss blogging, and the connection to the outside world. I actually started this blog after spending 5 solid months with sick babies who caught everything imaginable, and I had not seen any adults outside of hubby and the doctor during that span of time(slight exaggeration, but it was almost that bad). I needed a way to connect with humanity, and blogging provided that connection. Here lately I have felt extremely isolated due to our season of life. A feeling I know a lot of mommas and daddys feel at one point or another when in the throes of child rearing.
Our lives are so busy right now with homeschool, our Classical Conversations community, church, Taekwondo, and golf(new to us...and I love it) that I have barely been able to keep my head above water at times. That's just the stuff we have to do with the kids. Somewhere in the midst of all that I am a wife, a hair stylist (once a month), and a travel agent(which I also LOVE). There have been moments where I have literally broken down into tears with just feeling completely overwhelmed with everything that needs to get done in a day.
Last night I woke up at 1:30 a.m., and could not get my mind to turn off. I could not stop thinking about all of the things I have ahead of me in the coming weeks. So many opportunities, and every one of them are blessings...but it takes time and planning for those to come about. I am at a point where I feel the need to drop a thing or two, but then there's this little thing called commitment, and there are people depending on me. It will all work out, I just need to quit putting the cart before the horse :-)
We have had so many changes come about in our family this year, and I do plan on sharing them. This has been a year of spiritual and mental growth for me, and I have fought it tooth and nail the entire way. I look forward to sharing the journey that I have been on, as well as my family's journey, so I hope that you will keep checking back to see what we have been up to.
Until then... :-)

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