
About Me

If you clicked on this link, you must want to know a bit about myself and my little family unit. I hope you have a few minutes...because it's a little long;o)
This is us. 
The hubs and I have been married for 10+ years, and the good and gracious Lord blessed us with two amazing children.
 E is our oldest...only by 17 months:o) He is the hubs' mini-me.
He may still be young, but he is truly an old soul. E can lead the most beautiful, heart felt prayers that can, and will bring you to your knees. He has a heart that is full of love for God.
Oh to have the faith of a child again.
He is shy and reserved, but has his moments where he can cut loose. He is very respectful, not only to adults, but children as well. He has the heart of a servant...wanting to make sure that others are happy.
He is such a smart kid...his daddy passed along that gene;o) He loves school, and he loves his friends more.
He hates large crowds, loud noises, and being the center of attention.
I don't think I have ever used the phrase "he's all boy" when describing him because that's never been his I said before, he's just an old soul.

 I am reminded on a daily basis of what a true blessing he is.
 S.R. is our 2nd. She is my mini-me.
You will always see a huge smile on her face. She is happy-go-lucky, and always has a song on her heart.
On most nights, she will sing herself to sleep. It has to be one of the most precious things she does..except when it's 2 hours after bedtime;o)
She loves to wear skirts and winter clothing, play with baby dolls, color, cut, and create, skip, and ride her bike. She is a total goofball, and makes everyone laugh with very little effort.
She has always been a confident and modest child, and I pray that she will remain that way on into adulthood.
 It's so hard to raise a daughter who is confident in who she is.
She, like her brother, has a servant heart. She is such a good little helper, and enjoys being one.
Her relationship with God is much different than E's, but she loves Him just the same.
She loves school as well, and hates if I pick her up early...she is my social butterfly.

I'm so glad God gave her to me.
Blessed, I tell ya!
And then there is the man I refer to as "the hubs." The love of my life. He is 6.5 years older than me, and he tells people he had to wait for me to get out of diapers before he could marry me;o)
 Ladies, you messed up by not snatching him up...and I thank you for it!
We were married on February 1, 2003 after only dating for 10 months.
He is one of the best decisions I have ever made.
I thank God so many times a day for placing him in my path. He has shown unbelievable amounts of patience and grace through out our marriage. Those two qualities usually present themselves during our D.I.Y.'s :o)
He is a wonderful father and provider.
The kids get so excited when he walks through the door. They love him to the moon and back, and vice versa.
He is the kind of spiritual leader that every woman wants for their family. His spiritual journey has inspired so many, and I'm so proud of him for having the courage to share it with others.
Not only am I proud of his spirituality, but I am also proud of his work ethic. He is a go-getter, and takes charge. A natural born leader.
We are most definitely opposites, and I think that's what makes us work so well together.
I am not a perfectionist; he is.
I am a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of girl; he's a planner.
I leave 17 different things unfinished for months; he is a finisher.
I scatter stuff everywhere; he is clean and orderly.
I am emotionally charged; he is analytically charged.
I am good at most things; he is great at everything.
I am a social butterfly on most occasions;  he is very introverted.
You get the idea:o)
A match truly made by the hand of else would it work??:o)
I am one lucky girl!
So now you know about my sweet little family, and here's a little bit about me.
I am from a small Southern town where the air and the accents are thick. 
I am the oldest of three children; I have a younger brother and younger sister. I love my brother and sister so much...much more than I did when I was young. It's amazing how becoming an adult helps change your perspective. 
My parents have been married for over 30 years; a true blessing, especially in this day and age.
I am a believer in the great God Almighty. He has blessed me in many ways. 
He has guided me through so many things. The good and the bad. He fills a void where nothing else can. 
I am competitive, to a fault at times. I was an athlete all through school...elementary, middle, high school and that may be the reason behind that;o)
When it comes to friendships, I guard my heart very closely at first, and then I'm all in.
I love everything crafty, and I get a rush when I am creating something for our home.
I am inspired by all things beach/cottage/old/chippy/light in color.

Some of you may wonder why I chose the name Fussy Monkey Business for this blog. 
Well, it was a play on words with the phrase "monkey business"...and the kids' nicknames. 
When the kids were born, the hubs gave them both nicknames. He called E, monkey, and he called S.R., fuss. Hence the name Fussy Monkey Business.
When I first started the blog, it was a place for me to catalog things I was making for the kids. It has sense grown to so much more.
It is a place for me to talk about all the little projects we have going on around here as well as share a few things about my family. 
 And that about sums it all up. If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to let me share with you  my blessings.