
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Laundry Room Renovation-Part 4

 Life has been SO FULL these past few weeks! We were in a whirlwind of activity surrounding my sister's wedding, with all of the preparation that is involved with that. I am happy to announce she is happily married, and I couldn't be happier for her. The wedding was beautiful, and my sister was absolutely gorgeous! She looked like a princess, and I am pretty sure her face hurt by the end of the day because she never stopped smiling. She and her hubby went on a cruise for their honeymoon to Cozumel, and I really missed our daily texts. It was kind of sad. 
As soon as we got her married off, we dove head first into VBS preparation. Why is VBS so exhausting?!? A friend and I were in charge of decorating the preschool areas. There was lots of crafting and painting involved, and the kids loved being at the church building playing hide and seek.
 (Pictures to follow soon!)
And then there is school. We are getting to it when we can, but there are only so many hours in the day.
So, we have been extremely busy.
And there hasn't been a lot of time to dedicate to our laundry room, or laundry for that matter!
I will say that it is almost completely finished. All of the painting and caulking is finished. There are a few places that need some touch up paint, but that will have to wait a little bit longer. We are also adding new lighting. I am SUPER pumped about the lighting. It's going to add so much character to the space. 
Y'all are going to love it!!

So here are some pictures of the progress.
Hubby cut wooden slats like he did for the half bath walls. It was so much cheaper to make our own than to buy the pre made slats we used in the kids bathroom.

We painted the wainscotting a bright white to lighten the room up because there are no windows to allow natural light in. We ended up with what looks like faux ship lap. That was totally unintentional. I have never really been a huge fan of the white ship lap look. I know, I know...all of you Joanna Gaines followers are probably ready to burn me at the stake...just kidding. 
(I really do love that show, by the way, and it's fun to see someone on TV of whom I have a lot in common with).
Anyway, it has grown on me, and I really do like it, but if we get tired of the white, then we can paint over it....some the very DISTANT future!!
(The walls are "Gravity" by Valspar.)
See that florescent light? It's going bye bye, and I CANNOT WAIT for the new fixture to come to life. It's so exciting!!
I'll give you a little hint...
Barn Wood, and Pulleys.
 I have to find a few decorative items to soften the space up because it's very stark in the laundry room right now. I tried an antique store, and once again was reminded of how cheap I am. And the prices weren't really that bad. I am just a thrift store girl at heart. The prices are so much better at thrift stores and I am so grateful that we have some amazing little gems down here. 

I'll be sharing the lighting progress when we get a few minutes to breathe.

If you missed the first few posts about our laundry room progress, click the links below to see how things have been moving along.