
Monday, March 17, 2014

New Shop on the Blog

I am excited to announce that I have finally put together a new shop here on the blog. If you look up at the menu bar, you will see "Fussy Monkey Business Shop."
If you click on that tab, it will take you to the page where all of the items I have for sale are.
In order to purchase these items, you will need to have a PayPal account.
It's easy to sign up, and very secure.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me!

Monday, March 3, 2014

S.R. is 6, so Let's CELEBRATE with a Giveaway!

This sweet girl is 6 years old today!
Isn't she a cutie?
She was up before anyone else because she was so excited it was her birthday. I had to search for her this morning, and when I called her name, her response was, "6." 
Where's the party? Details of how many hours I have put into making the day perfect? We aren't doing one. Gasp!
I know:o) 
She is having some friends over after school, and they will play the afternoon away.
We are taking her to the American Girl Store for her to pick out her very first official American Girl doll. She is beyond ecstatic.
It should be fun!
In other news, I have started a new business venture.
 I am making headbands. 
My sister in law started making them for her co-workers and suggested I start making them.
They are adorable, and I wear mine all the time. 
S.R. even loves wearing them!
I have been at my sewing machine whipping them up and I realized how much I had missed's been a while. Life has gotten in the way, and now that things are slowing down a bit, I can relax to the hum of my machine.
If things take off like I want them to, I will create a separate website for ordering, but for now, I'm sticking to Facebook as my avenue for orders.
I also have a new model. S.R. and I got tired of posing for pictures, so I needed another volunteer.
Her name is Miss Kitty Tabitha.
She's not fond of having her photo taken, but she was willing to help a friend out.
Notice the solemness of her demeanor. I might be solemn as well if I didn't have nostrils...
hopefully all of you still have your nostrils...I don't want to cause offense!
I wanted to show you all angles of the headband, and Miss Kitty Tabitha has been gracious enough to model the angles.
This is the back. I have found that with this particular design, the headband doesn't slide up the head as much as one single elastic band.
The headbands are one-size-fits-most. If you have a tiny head, or if your little one is younger than 4 or 5, I will have an option for bitty heads. Buyers will have to specify when ordering which size they will need. 
So to celebrate S.R.'s birthday and the kick off of my new business venture, I am hosting a Facebook giveaway. 
All you have to do is like the Fussy Monkey Business page for one entry and share the giveaway on Facebook for a second entry.
The winner will be announced on Wednesday!
So get to likin' and sharin'!