
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Owl Themed Baby Shower

Hey there! Long time no see:o) You would not believe how busy I have been these past few weeks. Ever since school let out, we have literally had almost every day filled with something to do or somewhere to go. I am exhausted just thinking about it:o) That has left little to no time to do any crafting...I have been so busy that I haven't even desired to do anything crafty...crazy, right?
So anyway, some of you know that I am in the local homemakers club, and we had our monthly meeting at our house last night. One of our members is expecting a baby in August, so we also had a baby know me..I jumped at the chance to have a special party:o)
The mommy-to-be is decorating her nursery in owls, and as we all know, owls are VERY popular right now, so there were a slew of ideas online to choose from.
Below is a picture of our food table.
The grandmother-to-be made this whimsical center piece...I LOVE hydrangeas:o)
 She also made this cute little fruit baby buggy..she said she found it on Pinterest.
I had some large old blue mason jars, and I filled them as full as I could with flowers. 
 This was one of my favorites of the shower...owl cupcakes:o) They were super easy to make, and would be great for any time of year. I used chocolate cupcakes with chocolate icing. The eyes are made from 2 Oreo cookies & Reese's pieces for the pupils and beak. The platters are just slices of a walnut tree trunk that I borrowed from a good friend.
 The gift table
 My first attempt at a diaper cake...not too shabby..;o)
When the ladies left, they got to take home one of these goody bags filled with chocolate and mints.

We had a wonderful time and the mommy-to-be left with tons of great gifts:o)

Where I found my goodies:
Large White paper lanterns: Oriental Trading Company
Flowers: Costco
Owl on Diaper Cake: Hobby Lobby
How to make a Diaper Cake: Instruction Video on YouTube
Owl Images: Prettiful Designs
White Favor boxes: Dollar Tree in wedding section

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Baby Gift

I'm still here, but I have been extremely busy. School has been out for two weeks, so there has been something planned for almost every single day. That doesn't leave much room for blogging unfortunately. 
So, anywhoodles, I have a quick gift I wanted to share with you all today.
I have a baby shower to attend, and this is what I came up with for the gift. I needed something inexpensive & quick. I had all of the materials on hand....doubly awesome:o)
 I love this little hair bow. I'm not sure if the baby will have hair when she gets here, but if she does, she will definitely be able to coordinate with this little bit of sweetness. 
 I hope to get back into crafting mode very soon. 
I sat down in front of my sewing machine for the first time in 2 months yesterday. I have the sewing itch, and I'm dying to scratch:o)
Have a great rest of the day!!