
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring Break Happenings

Hello there! Been a while, hasn't it? Things have been busy around here, so that's the reason for my absence. No time for talk. I thought I would share what we have been up to with just pictures.



We are having a great Spring Break! See you all here next week! Lots to share with you:o)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rainbow Headband

Yesterday I was "blog-cruisin'" and I came across a headband tutorial that I thought was super cute and easy...and best of all I had all the materials on hand:o)
Meaningful Mama was the blog. She has some really cute ideas.
I thought the headband was perfect since St. Patrick's Day is coming up Saturday.
Since the kids won't be in school on the actual day, I let them wear their green today.
S.R. insisted on wearing her headband:o)
 Instead of rhinestones, I added some daisy buttons, and a few leaves.

 E gives it a "two thumbs up":o)
 I hope you all have a fantastic St. Patrick's Day. I have a fun-filled day planned for the family:o)

Monday, March 12, 2012

How I Am Avoiding Using Cooking Spray

Here lately I have been trying to be more picky about what I feed my family. I buy mostly organic when possible, and I have been gradually cutting out  processed foods. We still eat some, but not as many as we used to.  There are so many links to cancer now which seem to be coming from the foods we eat.
So anyway, I have quit using cooking sprays. I haven't read anything anywhere that says we are going to die if we continue to use them, but one of the ingredients is "propellant."...ummm, ick!
So I have been coating all of my cake pans with butter(yum) & flour.
Muffin tins, however, are slightly more tricky because they are smaller. I ran out of muffin cups the other day, and needed a substitute. I felt like I had a moment of genius when I decided to use parchment paper.

I formed the parchment paper around the bottom of one of the muffin cups, and cut out the circle. Then I used that one as a template to cut out the next 5.
 I smushed them down in the cups...not all that pretty, but hey, I was improvising here.
 I spooned in the muffin mix...
 and tada!
I also used it for some make-shift-Corn-Flake-wanna-be-Rice-Krispie-Treats...the kids have been really good today, so I thought I would reward them with these...they have little green candies in them:o) Now these are extra sticky, so I rubbed some Crisco(yeah Baby!!) on my hands to flatten out the I said I am slowly removing processed foods, but we indulge every once and a while:o)
Well, that's my two cents for the day:o)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Table Transformation for Free

I am slowly getting the house back to normal after the birthday festivities....slowly:o)
 As I was cleaning and doing the 9 millionth load of laundry today, I had the urge to just change something in my house. I am getting the itch to make some major changes in my home, BIG changes...terrible timing! We are doing a lot in the backyard right now, so the inside needs to be left alone.
So to kill the "urge," I went shopping in my garage and created a FREE mini makeover.

This is the table in my living room that is a dust collector. I found this antique table at a yard sale last spring. It desperately needs the paint removed, but I just can't stand the thought of torturing myself like that:o) So there it has stayed..all chippity. Is that a word? Probably not..anyway...

 I was given this table top from my mother's friend. It was once apart of an antique Hoosier had seen better days. She completely disassembled it, and gave me this table top.
I had every intention of putting legs on it and turning it into a sofa table...really I did!
However, me being the "lazy" that I am, just wiped it down and laid it on top of the dust collector table. Now I have an even bigger dust collector table...and I LOVE IT!
 Not bad for free, huh? And now I can go a few more days without having to completely overhaul my house:o)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Happy Birthday S.R.!!

We have had a wonderful day today. Looking forward to sharing all of today's festivities with you guys. I wanted to show the birthday girl in her party attire...

We are so lucky to have this sweet thing in our lives...
Happy Birthday S.R.!!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Sneak Peaks...

As promised, I am sharing a few sneak peaks from S.R.'s birthday party.

I just finished decorating ruby red slipper cookies. I have a few finishing touches with the party decor, and then I have to start scrubbing the house.
Some of our party guests will be arriving tonight.
I can't wait to share the entire party with you all. Have a great weekend everyone!!!