
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sofa Table

Here is a project that I did a few weeks back, and just never took the time to get it posted. I found this sofa table at a yard sale for $15. In it's original state, it was honey colored, and very well taken care of.
Of course, me being who I am, I couldn't just leave it in it's original state:o)
 Painting this table was a 3-step process. I spray painted a base coat of Krylon's Peekaboo Blue. I didn't worry about full coverage b/c I knew that I would be distressing it. I had just a smidge of the chalk paint left over, so I dry brushed a thin coat on top of the Peekaboo Blue.
Once that was dry, I sanded it to death. It was still a little too blue, so I dirtied it up with some Valspar antiquing glaze.
I found these glass knobs at Lowes. They were a necessity since every piece of furniture needs a little bling:o) 

It fits perfectly in our living room....It was meant to be...sigh:o)

Participating in these parties:

Furniture Feature Fridays

This project was featured at:

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Dress for S.R.

 Yesterday I got the sewing bug again:o) I have been on a sewing hiatus after my encounter with the bridesmaid dresses that I worked on. It was actually nice to take a break...but now I am back.
I have had a beautiful stash of fabric that I have been putting off using for far too long now. I came across 
dress yesterday, and new I had to make a similar one. It is so sweet:o)
So here is my version of the "Summer Dress".
 My mother gave me some baby ric rac and I had to find a way to incorporate it on the dress. It adds just a little bit more to the ruffle don't you think? The lace that runs down the center front is some vintage lace I had in my stash...also given to me by my mother:o)
I am so happy with the results! 
I love visiting Girl.Inspired. She always has the most beautiful outfits for her girls...she is definitely "inspired" and very inspiring!
I am hoping to get some matching "4th of July" outfits made for the kids today during nap time...we'll see how that goes:o)

Participating in:

Whimsy Couture

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Super Hero Birthday Party Inspiration

As you all may have noticed, I have been M.I.A. here lately. This summer has been jam packed full of things. Playgroups, swim lessons, family gatherings, and cutting hair have been filling my days. The laundry room still isn't complete. I haven't had time to finish it. Next week should be a little slower, so maybe I will get around to it then:o)
I thought I would share with you all some Super Hero Party inspiration that I have come across here recently. E has begged for a Spiderman/Batman/Superman birthday party....a.k.a. Super Hero Party.
I have been scouring blogland for inspiration, and here are some of my faves.
For those of you who are new to this blog, I always start planning the kids' parties 3 months in advance....I LOVE PARTIES!!

Aren't these some great ideas? To check out more from these fabulous parties, click on the links below:

Monday, June 20, 2011

Laundry Room-Part 1

I guess you noticed that last week was sort of hit or miss around here. Hubs stayed home last week....worked a little, and helped me a little. I decided on a whim that the laundry room needed a face lift....well we are still in recovery...WOW! 
We spent more time on that one small space than we usually do on a full size bedroom.
We are still putting the finishing touches on it, but I wanted to give a sneak peak:o)
The hubs built this riser for the washer and dryer....He's DA BOMB:o)
For the plans, go HERE.
baskets from Pier 1
Little decor action here. I'll share what these little guys are perched on in Part 2.
I will share with you a completed project.
This cabinet was purchased from a garage sale for $1. It's one of those cabinets that goes over the sink in your kitchen. I didn't know what I would do with it, but it was solid cherry, and a buck. I couldn't pass it up:o)
After much contemplation, I decided that this cabinet would make a perfect bench.
 I removed the doors and knocked out 2 of the dividers. I had the hubs add some rope wood trim around the perimeter of the opening, and add legs to the base.
This is one of the pieces I used the chalk paint on. I'll give my thoughts on chalk paint in Part 2.
 The cushion came from Target and is 30% off right now(score).  I'm so glad that I didn't have to make a cushion! I got lucky with the almost fits the bench perfectly...and it matches the rug!
Be sure to stay tuned for Part 2 of the laundry room. We have just a few more added touches & the room will be complete!

Participating in:
Restored It Wednesdays

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Quick Baby DIY Tip

Here is a quick tip for all of you mommies out there with youngin's....I mean really young;o)
Most people have those little tubs for their babies or a bath chair hammock. If you are in a pinch or out traveling and can't take it with you, here is a quick solution.
Use a giant sponge as your go-to.
Here are the step-by-step pictures in how to create a head rest for your baby's noggin.

Easy peasy, right?
Is that not one of the sweetest faces you have ever seen? I'm thinking model material!;o)
I want to thank my Best Bud for sending me this quick tute. She's quite crafty, you know:o)
I spent most of yesterday working on some furniture(using my chalk paint...details to follow). Today I'll be painting walls, and in between coats, hitting the pool. Can't wait to share what we have been working on!!
Have a great day!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer Fun Fest Linky Party-Week 3

I hope you all had a great weekend! We had a fabulous weekend! The hubs and I got to attend a Vanderbilt baseball game Friday night with my dad and sister. It was awesome!
More to share about that later on;o)
And Saturday, we all attended my dad's company picnic at A Cowboy Town near Nashville. We had a blast there. The kids LOVED it! They got to ride horses, play fun games, & play on water slides.
I'll have some pictures to share with you later on this week....hopefully:o)

Now, let's get down to business.:o)

Here are the highlights from last week's party:

submitted by Mommy Minded

submitted by Making Memories.

submitted by Secret Pie Shoppe

submitted by This Too

Thanks for participating girls:o) You guys are great! Make sure to grab a featured button on the left side bar!!
I'm taking a break on the linky party this week. I have a few projects in the works for this week, and we have been having a few computer issues...
thanks to our "sweet little angels"
so posts may be few and far between this week. 
If you haven't signed up to receive email updates for new posts, make sure to do so. That way you won't miss out on any new postings.
Have a great day, ya'll!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday Faves

I missed last week's Friday Faves...not sure what I had going on...I have slept since then;o)
This week has been uber busy with appointments, playdates, and a sun scorching day at the water park yesterday that left us all burnt to a crisp, but happy as larks:o)
Next time I will make sure to check the expiration date on the sunscreen BEFORE we hit the pool!!!
So here are my favorites from last week, since I didn't have a chance to check anyone's blog out this week:o)

Lizzy painted this beautiful Diamond Pattern Wall in her bathroom. Gorgeous! Love that shower curtain too:o)

Would you believe that these are not real coffee mugs? I had to do a double take:o) Head over to Diary of a Ladybird, and check out her Hot Chocolate (fondant) Cupcakes.

This Picnic Blanket is so simple and yet so genius. Head to Infarrantly Creative and see how simple it is to make one yourself...and the best part..NO SEWING:o)

And last but but not least, I love these Watermelon Shaped Cookies. These would be perfect for a summer party. Head over to Glorious Treats to see what else they've got cookin'.

Thanks to you all for being such inspirations! Grab a "I've been Featured Button" if you like
(on the left sidebar)
and wear it proudly:o)
I hope that you all have a fantastic weekend. We plan to have a bit of fun tomorrow. Next week I hope to tackle a few more projects and share some new finds.
Plus I will have a 300 Follower Giveaway!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Summer Fun Fest Linky Party-Week 2

Great news! We have hit the 300 Follower mark! How exciting, right?
I think there needs to be a giveaway to celebrate:o) Be on the look out;o)

I want to thank those who participated last week in the first Summer Fun Fest Linky Party. This week, I am going to change it up a bit. This week will be a free-for-all. I want to know what you are doing this summer. What projects do you have going on? What are you cooking? What are you doing with your kids? Anything you want to share is fair game:o)

Here are some highlights from last week:

Show these girls some love and visit their sites!
If you guys were highlighted, go ahead and grab a Featured Button.

Now it's your turn! Show us what you are up to this summer...besides melting in this heat:o)